Remote learning and podcasts

With the closure of schools, the 'changing goal posts' of cancelled examinations and the desire to reduce student's screen time I am putting together some podcast based lesson ideas.


#ibgeog Podcasts app

200+ podcasts with geographical themes categorised via the sections of the IB DP Geography course.


6.2.3 Carbon footprints

Unit 6: Global risks and resilience - 6.2 Environmental risks - 6.2.3 Carbon footprints

The process

  1. Go and listen to the following podcast. We will meet (online) afterwards to discuss what you thought were the major themes within the podcast and links to the environmental impacts of global flows.

The Guardian - Science Weekly: The carbon footprint of everything [5 July 2010] Listen to 00:00:00 > 00:16:40.

  1. Questions/ideas to consider:
    • What are the elements of the carbon footprint of a banana?
    • Do organic goods have a lower carbon footprint?
    • Has home-based learning increased or decreased your daily carbon footprint?
    • What percentage of the UK's carbon footprint is food related?
  2. The following podcast is a 'recommended extension' as it links 'carbon footprints' to other parts of the IB DP Geography course:

BBC Radio 4 - More or Less: behind the Stats - Should we have smaller families to save the planet? [23 July 2018] 10 minutes duration - listen to it all.


6.2.4 Global shift of industry

Unit 6: Global risks and resilience - 6.2 Environmental risks - 6.2.4 Global shift of industry

The process

  1. Go and listen to the following podcast. We will meet (online) afterwards to discuss what you thought were the major themes within the podcast and links to the environmental issues associated with food production systems for global agribusiness.

The Guardian - The Guardian's Audio Long Reads - How the world got hooked on palm oil

  1. Questions/ideas to consider:
    • Have you used/consumed palm oil products so far today?
    • How many other sections of the IB DP Geography course link to the discussions in this podcast?


6.3.1 Raise awareness

Unit 6: Global risks and resilience - 6.3 Local and global resilience - 6.3.1 Raise awareness

The process

  1. The focus of this lesson is to look at the success of Extinction Rebellion in attempting to raise awareness about, and find solutions for, environmental risks associated with global interactions.
  2. Watch these two video clips about Extinction Rebellion and then return to the video conference call in 8 minutes.
  1. Listen to this podcast from the Guardian and return to the video conference in 30 minutes.

The Guardian - Today in Focus - A week with Extinction Rebellion [25 April 2019]

  1. Quiz time...

Kahoot - 6.3.1 Raise awareness - Extinction Rebellion

  1. If you are engaged by this topic you may like to listen to this additional podcast:

BBC Radio 4 - Beyond Today - Does climate activism have a privilege problem?


6.3.2 Crowd-sourcing technologies

Unit 6: Global risks and resilience - 6.3 Local and global resilience - 6.3.2 Crowd-sourcing technologies

The process

  1. What is resilience in the following context?
    • use of crowd-sourcing technologies to build resilience by government and civil society
  1. Choose one of the following 4 podcasts to listen to. After listening you need to be able to tell the rest of the class how the actions of those involved builds resilience.
  1. Petitions are a way for governments to ‘listen’ to the population. Which is your 'favourite' petition here >


6.3.3 New technologies

Unit 6: Global risks and resilience - 6.3 Local and global resilience - 6.3.3 New technologies

The process

  1. This lesson from the syllabus links to 'Strategies to build resilience: new technologies for the management of global flows of data and people, including cybersecurity and e-passports' - you are going to listen to two podcasts during the lesson. Let's start with thinking about passports:
  1. Have a closer look at Figure II: The Global Risk Landscape 2020 and see how it ranks incidents via likelihood and impact.
  2. What do you think of where they (World Economic Forum) have put 'infectious disease'?
  3. Where do they put cyberattacks in terms of likelihood and impact?


  1. Find a recent news article that links to a 'risk' from each of the 5 categories - Economic, Environmental, Geopolitical, Societal and Technological.
  2. Listen to this podcast about cyber-attacks.

BBC World Service - The Inquiry - What Happens When a Cyber-attack Strikes?

  1. Return to the 'class' to discuss.