IGCSE Geography Revision Question Bank

  • Population
    • 4 marks
      • Many migrants from other countries move to cities in Australia, such as Sydney and Melbourne. Describe the effects of international migration on cities such as these. Link
      • Suggest reasons why a greater number of women in developed countries now have their children later in life. Link
    • 5 marks
      • Describe the likely effects of an ageing population in an MEDC such as Norway. Link
      • Describe the different ways by which the dependent population is supported in developed and developing countries. Link | Link
      • Describe the positive and negative effects which the migration of large numbers of people may have on the area to which they move. Link
      • Italy, a developed country in Europe, has an ageing population. There are twice as many people aged 60 years and over than children aged below 10 years. What problems may this cause for the country? Link
    • 6 marks
      • Give reasons why it is difficult for governments of developing countries to achieve a reduction in the rate of population growth. Link
      • For a residential area in a named settlement you either know or have studied, describe the changes which have been caused by either an inward or an outward movement of people. Include in your answer changes in housing, services and amenities. Link
      • Explain why governments of developing countries often find it difficult to lower their birth rates. Link
    • 7 marks
      • The size of the population in an area may change as a result of natural increase. For an area which you have studied, explain why the rate of natural population growth is high. Link
      • Overpopulation occurs when there are too many people living in an area for the resources which are available. What problems are caused by overpopulation? You should refer to a country or area which you have studied. Link
      • What policies can be used by governments to influence rates of natural population growth? You should refer to at least one example which you have studied. Link
      • Explain why the governments of some countries may be concerned by a rapid growth of population. You may refer to examples which you have studied. Link
      • What strategies are being used to try to reduce the spread of disease in developing countries? You may refer to examples which you have studied. Link
      • The migration of people can be explained in terms of the pull and push factors which influenced their decision to migrate. Examples of types of migration include: international and internal migration, forced and voluntary migration, permanent and seasonal migration. Choose any example of migration and name the areas between which people moved. Explain why many people made the decision to migrate. You should refer both to pull and to push factors. Link
  • Settlement
    • 5 marks
      • Explain why traffic congestion is a problem in many large urban areas. Link
      • The area surrounding towns and cities is known as the rural-urban fringe. Why do many town and city authorities control the developments which may take place in the rural-urban fringe? Link
    • 6 marks
      • Describe measures to reduce the problem of traffic congestion in towns and cities. You should refer to examples in your answer. Link
    • 7 marks
      • The area surrounding towns and cities is known as the rural-urban fringe. What problems are likely to occur in the rural-urban fringe as a result of the growth of towns and cities? You should refer to an example which you have studied. Link
      • Many settlements have grown over the years into large urban areas. These include towns and cities with main functions such as: - ports, - industrial towns, - tourist resorts, - administrative centres. - capital cities. For a named example of a large settlement which you have studied, identify its main function and explain the reasons for its growth. Link
      • In all large urban areas attempts have been made to solve the problems faced by the people who live there. These include problems such as: traffic congestion, squatter settlements, housing shortages, urban sprawl. Choose either one of these problems or any other problem faced by people who live in urban areas. For a named urban area, describe the attempts which have been made to solve the problem which you have chosen. Link
      • Describe what has been done to improve the quality of life in squatter settlements in developing countries. You may refer to examples which you have studied to illustrate your answer. Link
      • In all large urban areas there have been changes in land use in recent years. These include the development of: road networks, residential areas, industrial areas, leisure and shopping facilities. For a named urban area, identify a recent change in land use. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of this development for people who live in the urban area which you have named. Link
      • Why does the growth of squatter settlements often result in problems for both the squatters and the area around the squatter settlement? Link
    • 8 marks
      • Explain the causes of two of the following problems: - urban sprawl, - high concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, - deforestation, - shortages of drinking water, - soil erosion. Link
  • Plate Tectonics
    • 4 marks
      • Short-term effects of earthquakes on people include loss of life and injuries, as well as damage to buildings and communications. What may be done before an earthquake occurs to reduce these short-term effects? Link
    • 5 marks
      • Explain why MEDCs, such as the USA, normally recover more quickly from natural disasters than LEDCs. Link | Link
      • Explain why many people continue to live in areas at risk from natural hazards. Link
      • Explain how volcanoes are formed at destructive plate boundaries. You may use a labelled diagram in your answer. Link
      • Long-term effects may occur in the weeks or months after a large earthquake. Explain why these long-term effects might be difficult to deal with. Link | Link
    • 7 marks
      • In many parts of the world the natural environment presents hazards to people. Choose an example of one of the following: a volcanic eruption, an earthquake, a drought. For a named area, describe the causes of the example which you have chosen and its impacts on the people living there. Link | Link | Link | Link
      • In many parts of the world the natural environment presents hazards to people. Choose an example of one of the following: - a volcanic eruption - a tropical storm - a drought. For a named area, describe the short-term and long-term effects of the example which you have chosen on people living in the area. Link | Link
      • Explain why people choose to live close to active volcanoes. You may refer to examples which you have studied. Link
      • Why may volcanic areas offer opportunities as well as problems for people living there? Link
  • River Processes
    • 5 marks
      • Explain how and why a delta is formed. You may refer to an example which you have studied and include labelled diagrams. Link
      • Why do meanders sometimes develop into ox-bow lakes? Link
    • 6 marks
      • Explain how the work of a river and rock structure influence the formation of a waterfall and its retreat upstream. Link
      • What measures might be taken to prevent or reduce the effects of either tropical storms or river flooding? Link
    • 7 marks
      • Flooding occurs on the flood plains and deltas of some rivers. For a river which you have studied, explain what has been done to reduce flooding. Link
      • The weather often causes problems for people. These include problems caused by: flooding, drought, tropical storms. Choose either one of these hazards or any other hazard faced by people as a result of the weather or climate. Describe the problems experienced by people living in areas at risk from your chosen hazard. You may refer to examples which you have studied. Link
      • Many people live and work on the flood plains of major rivers. Describe the advantages and difficulties for people of living on the flood plain of a river. You may refer to examples which you have studied. Link
  • Marine Processes
    • 7 marks
      • Describe the ways in which coastal areas can provide opportunities for the people who live there. You should give examples from an area you have studied. Link
      • Explain how the natural features of headlands are formed as a result of wave processes. You may use labelled diagrams in your answer. Link
  • Weather
    • 5 marks
      • Explain why MEDCs, such as the USA, normally recover more quickly from natural disasters than LEDCs. Link
    • 6 marks
      • What measures might be taken to prevent or reduce the effects of either tropical storms or river flooding? Link
    • 7 marks
      • In many parts of the world the natural environment presents hazards to people. Choose an example of one of the following: a volcanic eruption, an earthquake, a drought. For a named area, describe the causes of the example which you have chosen and its impacts on the people living there. Link
      • In many parts of the world the natural environment presents hazards to people. Choose an example of one of the following: - a volcanic eruption - a tropical storm - a drought. For a named area, describe the short-term and long-term effects of the example which you have chosen on people living in the area. Link
      • The weather often causes problems for people. These include problems caused by: flooding, drought, tropical storms. Choose either one of these hazards or any other hazard faced by people as a result of the weather or climate. Describe the problems experienced by people living in areas at risk from your chosen hazard. You may refer to examples which you have studied. Link
  • Climate and Ecosystems
    • 5 marks
      • Explain why desert areas, such as In Salah, are hot and dry. You may use labelled diagrams or sketch maps in your answer. Link
    • 7 marks
      • Explain why parts of some continents, such as South America and Africa, experience a tropical rainforest climate whilst other parts experience a tropical desert climate. Link
      • Describe the problems experienced by people living in areas at risk from desertification. You may refer to examples which you have studied. Link
  • Agricultural Systems
    • 6 marks
      • Apart from the development of irrigation, describe how farmers in many parts of the world are attempting to produce more food. Link
    • 7 marks
      • There is large scale famine in some developing countries. This may be they result of: physical factors, economic factors, political factors. Explain why there are food shortages in some parts of the world. You may refer to examples which you have studied.. Link
      • All farming systems have inputs, processes and outputs. Name an example which you have studied of either small-scale subsistence farming or large- scale commercial farming. Give the name of an area where your chosen farming type takes place. Describe the inputs, processes and outputs of this farming system. Link
      • Areas at risk from economic development need careful management. Choose one of the following economic activities. tourism, agriculture, manufacturing industry. Name an area which you have studied where the environment is at risk from the activity which you have chosen. Describe the attempts which have been made to maintain, conserve or improve the quality of the environment of your chosen area. Link
    • 8 marks
      • For either high-technology industries or small-scale cash crop farming, explain how: - transport, - labour, - markets, - at least one other factor influenced its growth at a named location you have studied. Link
  • Industrial Systems
    • 5 marks
      • Explain why high technology industries, such as electronics, are important in NICs such as Taiwan. You may refer to other examples. Link
    • 7 marks
      • For a named country or area which you have studied, explain why high technology industries were located there. Link
      • Areas at risk from economic development need careful management. Choose one of the following economic activities. tourism, agriculture, manufacturing industry. Name an area which you have studied where the environment is at risk from the activity which you have chosen. Describe the attempts which have been made to maintain, conserve or improve the quality of the environment of your chosen area. Link
    • 8 marks
      • For either high-technology industries or small-scale cash crop farming, explain how: - transport, - labour, - markets, at least one other factor influenced its growth at a named location you have studied. Link
  • Leisure Activities and Tourism
    • 5 marks
      • Describe the advantages of the development of tourism to either a named region or country you have studied. Link
    • 7 marks
      • For a named area which you have studied, explain why the tourist industry is important. You should refer to the areas physical and human attractions. Link
      • Areas at risk from economic development need careful management. Choose one of the following economic activities. tourism, agriculture, manufacturing industry. Name an area which you have studied where the environment is at risk from the activity which you have chosen. Describe the attempts which have been made to maintain, conserve or improve the quality of the environment of your chosen area. Link
  • Energy and Water Resources
    • 7 marks
      • Identify a form of energy and describe how its use threatens the natural environment. You may refer to named areas which you have studied. Link
      • Why is it necessary to increase the production of energy? Explain how you think it might be possible to increase energy production while at the same time protecting the environment. Link
  • Environmental Risks and Benefits
    • 5 marks
      • Give your views, with reasons, on the need to conserve natural environments, such as the tropical rainforest of the Amazon Basin. Link
    • 6 marks
      • Why are many people throughout the world worried by the increase in global warming? Link
    • 7 marks
      • Water and air may be polluted by human activities. Name an example of a place which you have studied where either the air or the water is polluted. Describe the causes of this pollution and its effects on people and the environment. Link
      • Human activities often pose a threat to the natural environment. These include economic activities such as: - mining and quarrying - agriculture, - transport, - providing energy. Choose one of the activities from the list above and name an area where the environment is at risk from this activity. Explain how it has affected the natural environment of your chosen area. Link
      • Human activities often pose a threat to the natural environment. These include economic activities such as: - tourism, - agriculture, - manufacturing industry, - mining. Name an area which you have studied where the environment is at risk from human activities. Describe the human activities causing the risk and explain how they have affected the natural environment of your chosen area. Link
    • 8 marks
      • Explain the causes of two of the following problems: - urban sprawl, - high concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, - deforestation, - shortages of drinking water, - soil erosion. Link


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