The hydrological cycle and drainage basins



The Water Cycle Song | Tom Glazer - Weather Songs.



Hydrological cycle

[16 April 2014]
[3 August 2012]
The water cycle
  1. What is the correct term for each of these definitions:
    • The movement of water through plant cells into the atmosphere.
    • Movement of water confined within a river or stream.
    • The movement of water into the soil layers.
    • The processes by which water reaches the soil or surface.
    • Trees and other vegetation, which prevent moisture from reaching the ground directly.
    • Movement of water from vegetation to the ground surface.
    • The upper level of saturated rocks; it may move between seasons and years.
    • Movement of water through the soil, either under gravity, or parallel to the ground surface.
    • Movement of water over the ground surface (also known as surface runoff).
    • The combined processes by which water is lost by evaporation and transpiration.
    • The processes by which water moves through the landscape.
    • The change of state from water as a liquid into water vapour (a gas).
  2. Study the diagram of the global hydrological cycle (above). List 5 processes shown in the diagram and explain what would cause these processes to increase and decrease.
  3. List five different types of storage shown in the diagram of the hydrological cycle (above).
  4. Prepare to give a two minute, two slide presentation to explain what the global hydrological cycle is and the processes that happen within it.

Drainage basins

Drainage basin
Google Earth

Using Google Earth for web with this lesson

Click here to open the Watersheds of the United States layer.


Flood (Storm) hydrographs

Flood hydrographs