Visual stimulus exam style questions
These are my efforts at creating some Paper 2 Section B questions for my students. They are far from perfect - but they allow for discussion. If you have any feedback - please contact me.
Richard Allaway
- Australia does not have a food security problem
- Where Women Hold the Most and Least Political Power
- Countries with the Most Sustainable Energy Policies
- The Median Age of the Population on Every Continent
- The Top 15 Cities Globally Hold $24 Trillion in Wealth
- Climate Change & the EU
- Global refugee crisis - THE FACTS

Australia does not have a food security problem

- State the percentage of ‘Mutton & Lamb’ that Australia produces that they then export. [1]
- State the precise percentage of Australia's food which is imported. [1]
- Suggest one alternative graphical method that could be used present the data in the ‘Domestic food consumption is stable while agricultural exports vary’ graph. [2]
- To what extent might this infographic make Australian citizens more at ease about food security than they should be? [6]

Where Women Hold the Most and Least Political Power

- What rank does Switzerland attain in terms of where women hold the most political power? [1]
- What percentage of ministerial positions are held by women in the national cabinet in the United States of America? [1]
- Describe how colour has been used in the infographic to show value and geographical regions. [2]
- To what extent does this infographic offer a misrepresentation of gender equality in terms of political power? [6]

Countries with the Most Sustainable Energy Policies

- What score on the Energy Trilemma Index does Switzerland get? [1]
- What score on the Energy Trilemma Index does India get? [1]
- Describe the distribution of countries that scored 76 or above [2]
- Evaluate how the relative sustainable energy policies are graphically represented in the infographic. [6]

The Median Age of the Population on Every Continent

- Describe the global distribution of median ages [2]
- Suggest another graphical method that could depict the information in the ‘Select Age Groups’ bar chart, giving a reason for your choice. [2]
- To what extent might this infographic be considered to misrepresent the demographic structure of Africa. [6]

The Top 15 Cities Globally Hold $24 Trillion in Wealth

- State the global rank of London. [1]
- State the amount of wealth held by Tokyo. [1]
- Suggest one way in which the representation of wealth on the infographic could be improved. [2]
- Evaluate two ways in which the construction of this infographic encourages a skewed global view. [3+3]

Climate Change & the EU
- State the percentage of greenhouse gas emissions that come from Households. [1]
- State the amount of municipal waste per capita in 2013. [1]
- Suggest one way in which the graphic depicting ‘Greenhouse gas emissions’ could be improved. [2]
- Evaluate two ways in which progress towards reductions have been portrayed in the infographic. [3+3]

Global refugee crisis - THE FACTS

- State the combined percentage of refugees coming from Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia in 2014. [1]
- State the number of refugees hosted by Jordan (2015). [1]
- Using evidence from ‘Asylum claims lodged in selected regions of the industrialized world’ only, explain one possible challenge faced by the governments of Germany and Sweden. [2]
- Evaluate two ways in which the scale of the global refugee crisis has been portrayed in the infographic. [3+3]