Archive by category "MYP Individuals and Societies"
All my 14-16 MYP Individuals and Societies resources are now on the new platform
For the last 18 months or so I have been moving the resources on to a new platform. The new platform allows the content to be more responsive to different devices as well as making it easier for me to update and monitor.
I have recently finished added all of my 14-16 MYP Individuals and Societies (MYP 3 to 5) resources to the new platform.
There are six units, all free to access, for varying ages. The Sustainable cities and Alpine environments units are the most recently developed. The Coasts unit is probably the oldest.
Now to start work on moving the Age: 11-14 resources (MYP 1-3 or Key Stage 3) to the new platform. I will post as I add each unit.