The what and the why of infographics
- Find a ‘geographic infographic’ that you think is interesting using a Google Image Search or similar.
- Share and then discuss what an infographic actually is.
The beauty of data visualization
- What do you think 'information overload' is?
- Why is context important when looking at 'big' numbers?
- 'Data is the new oil' - What? Why?
- 'Data is the new soil' - What? Why?
- What is 'information design'?
- Why is it important to look at some data sets as a ratio? So for example - military spending as a % of GDP.
- Outline one current 'information problem' that you think we are currently suffering from?
- How does 'let the dataset change your mindset' link with ‘geographic infographics’?
Most of the infographics mentioned in the TED talk
Peak Break-Up Times On Facebook
The Middle East - Key players & notable relationships
Information is beautiful: war games
The term 'infographics'
an infographic is a form of visual communication meant to capture attention and enhance comprehension.
Looking at infographics
- Flash the infographic onto the screen for 10 seconds → What does this infographic show?
- Put the infographic onto the screen for 30 seconds → State one fact or figure related to the topic of the infographic.
- Put the infographic onto the screen for 60 seconds → List two elements of the infographic that are confusing.
- Repeat the process for the next infographic.
The elements of an infographic
Students should complete the 'Design an Infographic in Google Drawings' lesson on Google for Education Applied Digital Skills.
Further reading - What Is an Infographic? Why They’re Great & How to Create Them - Data Visualization Goes Mainstream