An infographic that illustrates the ‘world is getting better’ and challenges at least one of the ‘three mega misconceptions’
Focused project task
- Produce an infographic that illustrates the ‘world is getting better’ and challenges at least one of the ‘three mega misconceptions’. [Criteria C]
- Critique your infographic and the infographic of one of your peers. [Criteria D]
- You should keep your focus within one of the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Your infographic should be no larger than A4.
- Your infographic should be produced using Google Drawing, LucidPress or Adobe Illustrator.
- You should include references to the source of your data on your infographic.
- Your infographic clearly reflects your focus SDG and the main data set you are using.
Revisit the 'three mega misconceptions'
Decide upon a Sustainable Development Goal to focus upon
Research and decide upon a data set that is within the area of your SDG and shows that the ‘world is getting better’
Possible data sources:
DataBank | World Development Indicators
Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals
Design your infographic
Visual Capitalist - Here are 15 Common Data Fallacies to Avoid [3 April 2018]
Produce your infographic
- Choose a SDG.
- Choose a data set to focus upon with the area of your SDG.
- Ensure your data set helps you show that 'the world is getting better'.
- Ensure that your set set allows you to tackle on fo the '3 mega misconceptions'.
- Your infographic should be A4 in size.
- Design elements of the infographic should show an obvious link to your SDG of choice.
- There should be a map element showing the pattern of your data set.
- There should be a graph element showing the trend of your data set.
- There should be icons, key data points etc to ensure that your infographic looks and feels like an infographic.